Free ebook: NIS2 ready using ISO 27001 best practices
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Defining and documenting security objectives


Organization's top management sets security objectives. Security objectives meet the following requirements:

  • they shall take into account applicable data security and data protection requirements and the results of risk assessment and treatment
  • they are clearly communicated to key security and data protection personnel, staff and other relevant stakeholders
  • they are updated as necessary (e.g. when the risk landscape changes or periodically when the objectives are met)
  • they are documented and (if possible) measurable

In connection with the documentation of security objectives, the necessary top-level improvements and tasks, needed resources, responsible persons, due dates and methods for evaluating the results in order to achieve the objectives are also defined.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
5.1.1: Policies for information security
ISO 27001
ID.BE-3: Organizational mission, objectives and activities
ID.GV-1: Cybersecurity policy
5.1: Leadership and commitment
ISO 27001
6.2: Information security objectives
ISO 27001
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